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Poems & Stories

Individually written for you or your event. Let me put an important moment into words, illuminate a development, convey your values and connect the people around you to a strong community.

To define the theme, I will meet you beforehand for a conversation. In this way I capture the essence you want to convey and bring it into an individual art form. I can then showcase the result to you personally or to your guests at your event.

Event design

your event from A to Z poetically underscored.


Do you wish for an event that moves and remains unforgettable in your memory? For your event I create a suitable and captive combination of music and words that moves. For this purpose we meet beforehand to clarify your needs and determine the theme. Depending on your wishes, a personal interview as well as further visits to your company/your home are part of the process to authentically reflect the desired theme at your event.



at the place of your choice.


You wish for an extraordinary experience of poetry and stories? I will read for you from my poetry book "3" or perform from a book of your choice. Together with people who are important to you, you will experience moments of connectivity. We dive into the place where words and stories move our souls and rise together.

Poesie Leseprobe
Poem from the poetry book "3

The texts from the poetry book 3 are clever, interesting, touching and full of poetry! Simply a pleasure to read them.

Madeleine Schüpfer, cultural journalist


Das Herz


Das Herz prägt,
ist gross und schlägt,
gibt Hoffnung und Vertrauen,
schenkt Leben, um Brücken zu bauen.

Es ist gross und vergisst nicht,
es vergleicht und misst nicht.

Es gewinnt durch Nähe und Empfindung,
mit ihm erfährst du die glückliche Wendung.

Das Herz,
gross und voller Leben,
hier um zu nehmen, geben, lieben und sterben.



D'Türe esch zue,
doch i gsehne derhinder,
dor d'Schiibe os Glas
chani erkänne,
wie d'Mänsche springe,
wie sie ränne.

Sie esch wahnsinnig schnell, doch
sie bliibt mängisch stoh...


wo mir händ, aber ned wänd,
wo eus jagd dor d'Prärie
ond eus chnächted,
bis mir's lönd lo sii,
das ewige Springe,
das ewige Prässiere,
das ewige Ghetz,
nur um ned z'verliere,
öppis, wo mir ned händ
ond velecht au gar ned wänd.

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